I had some down-to-earth talk, with a
number of guys, about what draws them to a woman. Even though there are
different strokes for different folks, there were some things that a large
percentage of them seemed to have in common.
The first brutally honest truth I found
that they all seemed to say was that she must be attractive or physically
appealing. Now, I know some church ladies are thinking that I must have interviewed
some carnal, unsaved, men who do not know the value of inner beauty. Well, yup! I did. But interestingly, the saved
ones also formed part of the large percentage of guys that felt this way.
So, is a girl not physically attractive unless
she had a face fit to win a beauty pageant, and has the shape of a 35cl coke
bottle? When I asked this question, their answers cleared the air.
Attractiveness to men is more than having a gorgeous face. Taking care of your physical appearance is very important and plays a large part in making you an attractive lady. One important thing is the clothes ladies wear, or rather, how they wear them. Some ladies wear clothes that are too tight while others wear clothes that are ill fitting or overly loose in comparison to their frames. Neither will do. Clothes that are too tight give guys one train of thought that they know will lead to no good, while clothes that don’t fit your frame or body make you look shabby. When dressed in properly fitted clothes, you have a smart look. In other words, it makes you attractive.

Her hair should also be well groomed. Even
if she doesn’t wear Brazilian hair or Indian hair or God alone knows what
they’ll come up with next, whatever is on her hair should be neatly done. Personally
I’ve noticed that when you hair is in good condition whether it’s your natural
hair or attachments of all sorts, you appear more attractive than when it’s rough. It kinda
adds to your attractiveness.
The men I spoke to all had their
preferences when it came to the kind of hairdo they liked. Some said they go gaga when they see million braids,
others said they loved Weaveon. There
were others who preferred girls with natural hair. Some didn’t care either way.
They however all agreed that no matter how much they loved these hairdos, if it
is rough, it’s a turn off for them.
One other very important thing they considered
as attractive is a pleasant scent on a woman. While they also had different
tastes in the kinds of perfumes they liked on women (e.g. light, heavy, fruity
etc.) they all agreed that she had to smell nice. They find it unattractive when
a woman has an unpleasant smell. Some of them especially liked it if she wore
perfume, others were not so particular. The common denominator however is that
she should not have an unpleasant smell. Deodorants are the cure for body odours if you are not exactly in love with perfumes.
It is undeniable that character is the
paramount and most enduring quality of a person. I always said to my family
that in my first few years at the university, I had great male friends. They
liked me for who I was because on a scale of 1- 10 (of all the things I mentioned
that guys said made a lady attractive) I would score myself a poor 3. Obviously
it was my person they liked not my looks. However, in retrospect, I could have
combined both and maybe my Knight In Shining Armor would have found me sooner.
Men are creatures of sight. They are simply
designed that way. Knowing this, even if you are not the most beautiful girl on
the block, you can do these simple things and be an attractive person so that
you don’t let Mr. Right decide ‘nah,
can’t be her’. If you are already married to Mr. Right the aforementioned will
help to keep the flame of your marriage burning.
Picture Credit: Helen Ndukwe, Abuja, Nigeria.