
Christian News, Christ-Eyed View Of Life And Current Affairs

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Doesn’t it amaze and, sometimes, even annoy you when you see people who seem to have it 'all together’? Everything they do just seems to be cool.  Sometimes we tend to think, “If I was as rich and beautiful as she is, I'll be just like her.” What if I told you, you can also have it 'all together'?
     I’ve found one common trait among people who’re widely admired. They’ve great self-confidence. A good sense of self-worth makes all the difference.  Try saying something wrong with confidence, even if it is something most people know isn’t true. You’ll find that, sometimes, even those who know the right thing may be unsure of it because you sound so confident.  I’ve also noticed that people love confident children. They simply amuse and amaze us. They say what they think even though their frankness can sometimes embarrass us. They’re refreshingly interesting and you know upfront what they’re thinking.
      Timidity, I’m sure you’ll agree, is unattractive.
      One amazing thing I’ve discovered is that God actually expects us to be self-confident. We’re told to love our neighbours as ourselves. This surely implies that we’ve to love ourselves. Loving ourselves has a lot to do with what we think of ourselves, doesn’t it? We’re created by the Almighty God. We’re his own original idea. Psalm 126 shows that we’re not just some whimsical idea God had. He knows us intimately and is mindful of us in spite of the ‘evil’ we may’ve committed. The creator and controller of the greatest men we’ve ever known or heard about, knows us by name and loves us to the point of giving up His life so that we can live. Isn't that kind of love a great foundation on which to build our self-confidence?
     The scripture implores us to come before God with boldness. Therefore, stand up and shine!
     We won’t do anyone (not even ourselves) any good by cowering in one corner of our room like scared little cats. Let us straighten our back and face the world each day with boldness. The King of the universe is before us, with us, and behind us.  
     Don’t get me wrong; we may not build our self-confidence in one day but trust me, today is a good day to start. 
     “What about the part of scripture which says we should, ‘be humble,’” you may ask.  What is humility in the first place? Being humble does not equate to timidity. Humility means stepping aside to see the smallness of our greatness when we consider the one who gave us the ability to become great.  Let us believe in ourselves; we’re the beloved of God, aren’t we? Our father has promised that even if we fall seven times we’ll surely rise again.
     Take a good look at the illustration above again and take a few minutes to meditate on it.
     In deed we are called to be BOLD! 

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